Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My heart is monkey meat

If you haven't seen the new series "Girls" on HBO, you, my dears, are missing out.

Yes, it could resurrect memories of those tremendously hideous situations you maybe suffered during your 20's (and for some of us, our 30's). And yes, it might remind you of a time (or two) in your life when you thought you were hot-shit untouchable and then realized in a brain-melting moment when you're, say, at your local Walgreens in the middle of a tampon emergency that you were not untouchable, and your only wish at that moment was for a time machine and common sense.

But, if you're lucky, it might make you feel as if your former self, your hot-shit untouchable, Ani DiFranco-worshiping, Doc Marten-wearing, earthy-crunchy/goth/grunge twenty-something version of you was not alone. There were others dealing with the same insurmountable drama, the ridiculousness to the  Nth degree, much like you did. You survived - battle scars to prove it, but you're here. To see a semblance of a younger you that makes you giggle and cringe and cover your eyes, well, it's damn refreshing.

Plus, the music - oh man, it's tight and right on. Robyn, "Heartbeats" by The Knife, "Same Mistakes" by Echo Friendly, Scissor Sisters...it's worth it just to get your dance on.

The clip below is T-A-M-E. If you do decide to give it a shot, be warned there is nudity, but in such a blatant, non-sexual way it's almost too real. There are no good angles here - everyone just lets it hang out.

The writing is genius. You can quote me on that.

Seriously, check it out. The first episode is my least favorite, but it sets the scene for whats to come. Such goodness! Are you tempted? Take a bit outta Girls - it's tasty.

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